Breast Augmentation Indianapolis, IN
Breast Implant Surgery Indianapolis, Indiana
Breast Augmentation is a procedure which enhances and enlarges the breast. Every woman’s reason for breast enlargement is unique and individual, and no procedure is the same for every patient. Dr. David Slatton’s approach to breast augmentation is always cognizant of this very important fact. The choice of increase in breast size is up to the individual, but also dependant on each patient’s unique anatomy.
Breast implants available in the United States are manufactured by three major corporations currently. Mentor, Allergan, and Sientra. The two types of breast implants are saline filled and silicone gel filled. Both Saline filled, and silicone gel implants are available for use. The minimum age for a woman to have breast augmentation with saline implants is 18 years, and for silicone gel filled implants, the minimum age is 22.
Generally, there are two shapes—round and anatomic. The round implants are disc shaped and come in different profiles. The anatomic implants are teardrop shaped, to mimic the natural appearance of the upper/flatter portion of the breast combined with the rounded, oval lower half of the breast. The round implants result in a greater fill in upper pole breast volume, and move more freely within the chest than do anatomic shaped implants. Anatomic shaped implants do not move as freely within the confines of the breast, and because of their dimensions, they require a texture on their surface in order to stay in their proper anatomic location. When the textured anatomic implant moves, it rotates into a different position which can result in an unnaturally long appearance to the breast. (Think of a picture with a height greater than its width rotating on its side from the portrait to landscape position.). Conversely, when textured anatomic implants maintain their position in the chest, they can produce an unnaturally firm breast.
Round implants can be textured or smooth. The smooth surface of a breast implant allows it to move within the pocket created by the surgery. This allows for both a more natural feel to the augmented breast and appearance with normal movement. The smooth round implant is the superior implant for primary (first time) breast augmentation.
Breast implants come in a large variety of sizes. The volume of the implant is the most frequently referenced property of breast implants. This leads to the myth that the number of CC’s (cubic centimeters) determines the cup size of augmented breasts. However this measurement can be deceptive in its contribution to the size and projection of the augmented breast. The most important measurement of a breast implant is its Base Width. Breast implants come in different projections or Profiles (Moderate, Moderate Plus, High Profile). These profile classifications are derived from the height of the implant in comparison to its width. High Profile implants have a greater ratio of height to diameter than do moderate profile implants.

Drawing by Dr. Slatton
Dr. Slatton uses both saline and silicone gel breast implants. The choice of the type of implant used is largely up to the individual patient. Saline implants are made from a silicone shell and are filled with sterile saline (salt water) through a valve after they have been placed in the pocket that has been created below the breast. Silicone gel breast implants are pre filled with medical grade silicone by the manufacturer. Many patients prefer silicone gel because of the softer, more natural feel to the implant. Cohesive Siliconeâ€Gel Breast Implants are the new generation of silicone gel implants that offer the advantage of a lower incidence of leakage of free silicone from the implant than the older silicone gel breast implants that were used up until the 1991 moratorium on silicone gel breast implants (which was lifted in 2006 when the FDA approved silicone gel implants for primary breast augmentation).
Having Breast augmentation surgery is an extremely important decision. Make certain that you schedule your consultation and surgery with a board certified plastic surgeon. Go to the website for the American Board of Plastic Surgery to be certain that your surgeon is a board certified plastic surgeon. Best outcomes for all cosmetic surgery procedures are obtained by plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic surgery. Accept no substitute for a plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery to perform your breast augmentation surgery.
Before breast augmentation surgery, you should avoid aspirin, NSAIDs, vitamins and supplements for at least two weeks prior to surgery. Wash your chest and breasts with medical grade antimicrobial soap the three nights preceding and morning of your surgery.
Preparing for breast augmentation means that you have adequate time off work and if you have young children, making certain a family member or close friend can help with day to day supervision and care of your child(ren). Plan to refrain from activities of daily lifting that require lifting greater than 5 lbs or housecleaning for two weeks after surgery. Once your surgery is scheduled and you have completed your pre operative appointment, you will be given prescriptions to fill prior to surgery so that you will be able to start taking them the day of your surgery. A mammogram may be necessary prior to surgery based on your age and risk factors for breast cancer.
If you are seriously considering Breast Augmentation, call our office and schedule your consultation with Indianapolis plastic surgeon David Slatton, MD.
Only choose a surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery(ABPS) for your breast augmentation surgery. Plastic Surgeons who are certified by the ABPS have been trained to perform breast augmentation properly during their residency and continue to have access to the latest advances in breast augmentation surgery. There are many surgeons who perform breast augmentation who are not certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, but claim other boards of cosmetic surgery as their certifying agency. These self proclaimed boards are not approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties, and have do not have the rigorous standards, education or requirements that are met by Plastic Surgeons who are certified by the Amercan Board of Plastic Surgery.
Breast augmentation is performed in an AAAHC approved surgery center as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation.
Dr. Slatton performs breast augmentation surgery using primarily inframammary incisions (in the fold the breast makes with the chest wall) or periareolar incisions (at the lower edge of the areola). Both incisions heal well with minimal visible scarring.
The inframammary incision is about 1 inch in length for saline filled breast implants, while the incision is 2 inches or longer for silicone gel filled implants. Because of the longer length necessary for silicone gel breast implants, a periareolar incision may be preferable for patients who choose silicone gel implants The longer incision length for silicone gel implants is due to the fact that gel implants are pre-filled and not fully compressible, while saline implants are filled after surgical placement beneath the breast tissue and thus require a smaller skin incision for placement.
The sub pectoral pocket (beneath the muscle) is preferred because of more natural appearance, decrease in visible rippling, and lesser incidence of capsular contracture.
A friend or family member must accompany you to and from the surgery center or hospital on the day of surgery.
Aftercare: Some discomfort after surgery is inevitable, but this can be significantly reduced with prescription pain medication, which is taken by mouth at regular intervals for the first several days after surgery. Be prepared to take at least a few days off work after the surgery until you no longer require prescription pain medication during the daytime hours.
Many patients can return to work within a week of the surgery. However, physical activity restrictions that apply for home and work will be necessary in the immediate postoperative period. Activities at home or work related which require lifting or carrying objects greater than 5lbs, are prohibited for the first two weeks after surgery. Patients can begin limited exercise two weeks after breast augmentation surgery and most people can return to full activity, with a few exceptions, 6 weeks after surgery.
The final post operative appearance of your breasts may take 3 to 6 months to occur as the implants settle into the implant pocket with the assistance of directional message and gravity. For this reason it is important that you attend your post op visits through this period of time to optimize your final result.