Gynecomastia Indianapolis, IN
Male Breast Reduction in Indianapolis, Indiana

Gynecomastia is a condition of overdeveloped or enlarged breasts and it is common in men of any age. Gynecomastia is the result of excess localized fat in the breast region, excess glandular tissue development, or a combination of both. Most commonly, the cause of gynecomastia is unknown. Less commonly, it may occur as the result of hormonal changes, heredity, disease, or the use of certain drugs. Gynecomastia can be more than a physical problem – it can cause emotional discomfort and impair a man’s self confidence. Some men may avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition.
In general, gynecomastia can be surgically treated by removing excess fat, glandular tissue and /or skin. The result is a better proportioned, more masculine, and contoured upper body and the freedom and self-confidence to lead an active life.
The goals of plastic surgery to improve gynecomastia are to reduce breast size, and flatten and define masculine chest contours.
Surgical treatment of gynecomastia can be performed at any age; however, it is best performed when a man’s overall physical growth is complete.
In general, good candidates for gynecomastia surgery are men of relatively normal weight whose breast development has stabilized. Many men who have experience significant weight loss and have excessive and loose skin in the breast region are also good candidates for surgery.
A consultation is the first step to learn how correction of gynecomastia can improve the appearance of your upper body and produce a more masculine chest contour. A consultation is designed to fully educate you about gynecomastia surgery and will include:
A discussion of your goals and an evaluation of your individual anatomy and medical history; options available to correct gynecomastia; likely outcomes; any risks associated with the procedure; and the prescribed course of treatment recommended by your plastic surgeon.
Surgical Correction of Gynecomastia
In cases where gynecomastia is primarily the result of excess fatty tissue, liposuction techniques alone may be used. The tumescent technique for liposuction achieves excellent results for many patients. In some cases, gynecomastia may be treated with both liposuction and excision.
Excision techniques are used where glandular breast tissue &/or excess skin must be removed to correct gynecomastia and this may also involve reducing and repositioning the nipple-areola to a more natural masculine contour. Incision locations vary depending on the skin quality and amount of breast and fatty tissue. Most incision lines are hidden within natural contours, such as in the lower half circle of the areola, or crease where the lower chest and abdominal skin meet when skin excision is necessary. Most men feel that achieving a more masculine chest contour is the most important result of the surgical correction of gynecomastia.
Dr. Slatton will carefully explain the procedure that will be used to correct your gynecomastia. Surgery to correct gynecomastia may be performed on an outpatient basis, in a hospital or surgery center and you will be given specific post operative care instructions before your day of surgery.
Once your procedure is completed, dressings will be applied to your incisions and an elastic bandage and/or support vest may be used to minimize swelling and support the new chest contour as it heals. Before being released, you and a family member or friend must accompany you home. Initial healing will include swelling and discomfort at the incision sites. Discomfort is common, but can be minimized and controlled with oral pain medication taken at scheduled intervals.
The sutures are removed between 7 and 14 days post operatively. Return to work is feasible in 5 to 7 days, and you will return to more normal activity over the next two weeks. Exercise is prohibited for at least two weeks post operatively. Heavy lifting is prohibited for about 4 weeks post operatively.
For optimum surgical results, it is important to continue to follow Dr. Slatton’s instructions and attend follow up visits as scheduled.
Contact Dr David Slatton Today to Schedule Your Consultation