Plastic Surgery Indianapolis
David Sterling Slatton, MD
Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon
317 526 9370

Fat Injections Indianapolis, Indiana

Fat Transfer, Grafting and Fat Injections for Facial Rejuvenation Indianapolis, IN

Fat TransferFat transfer, otherwise known as Fat Injections, is a plastic surgical procedure that has a wide variety of applications.  Autologous fat (your own) is removed with a process very similar to liposuction from one area of the body and transferred with microcannulas to the area requiring treatment. The fat grafts are living tissue, and frequently give a lasting effect, improve the quality of the overlying skin and require little down time.  Although touch-ups may be required, the results of fat injection can last years.

Common Treatment Areas for Fat Tranfer include the face, perioral region,  nasolabial folds, marionette lines, vertical folds between the eyebrows, cheeks, and scars.

Body—buttocks for augmentation—(see our Butt Lift page); areas of depressions, deep scarring, breasts, and hands.

Are You a Good Candidate for Fat Transfer? –Fat transfer has a wide variety of applications and can be performed safely and effectively without the need for IV or general anesthesia.  People who are in good health, and who have areas of facial aging where volume enhancement would improve their appearance are candidates for this procedure

The Fat Transfer Procedure.   A special blunt needle is used to inject the fat after it has been removed from another area of the body such as the abdomen or hip.  A wetting solution consisting of lidocaine for anesthesia and epinephrine for vasoconstriction is injected beneath the skin within the fat layer to be harvested.  A special cannula is used to remove the fat with minimal trauma to the fat cells.  Fat is collected in syringes and then separated from supernatant.  The refined fat is then injected to the area of treatment with specialized microcannulas. 

Anesthesia—Fat transfer can be performed as on office procedure under local anesthesia.  The procedure may be done with local anesthesia and sedation with a pill, or it can be performed at the same time as other cosmetic plastic surgical procedures.

Recovery after Fat Transfer Procedure- immediately afterwards, ice packs can be applied to the face to minimize swelling.  Head elevation and rest are imperative to minimize swelling.  You will be prescribed pain medication to take by mouth and this will only be necessary, if at all, for a few days after the procedure.  Some minor swelling is expected.  This begins to diminish within a week after the procedure.  Depending on the areas treated and if any other procedures are performed at the same time as fat transfer, return to work is possible within 3-4 days after the procedure.   Mild bruising can be camouflaged with makeup. 

Your Results after Fat Transfer will become apparent as your swelling subsides. 

Fat Transfer Cost. Fat injections are less costly and involve less ‘down time’ than other, more involved, facial rejuvenation procedures such as facelifts.  The cost depends on the number of areas treated and the specific  area treated.  OR fees and anesthesia fees may apply if fat transfer is combined with other plastic surgical procedures requiring these services.

Financing for Fat Transfer procedures-Go to the financing page on our website to learn about financing options

Fat Transfer Benefits – The benefits of fat transfer procedures are numerous. With aging of the face, the skin looses elasticity and volume. Fat transfer improves volume deficient regions and has a rejuvenating effect on skin quality.  Autologous fat injections can be long lasting.  The downtime for these procedures is minimal and allow for a more rapid return to work and activities.