Plastic Surgery Indianapolis
David Sterling Slatton, MD
Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon
317 526 9370


Case #6: Breast Reduction with Free Nipple Graft Technique

Before After


Patient Information

60 year old woman had breast reduction with the Free Nipple Breast Reduction technique. 1967 grams (4.25 lbs) of breast tissue were removed from her right breast and 1442 grams (3.24 lbs) of breast tissue were removed from her left breast. Post operative photos were taken 2 1/2 months after her surgery.

Email Dr. Slatton

Case #7: Breast Reduction with Vertical Mammaplasty Technique

Before After


Patient Information

55 year old woman had rashes beneath her breasts and back and neck discomfort relieved with Vertical Reduction Mammaplasty.  670 grams of breast tissue were removed from her right breast and 677 grams were removed from her left breast.  Post operative photos were taken 6 months after her surgery.

Email Dr. Slatton